
Frequently asked questions

How do I get my money back?

The same way you have paid. If the invoice has not yet been paid, it will automatically expire.

To facilitate the refund of the purchase price, we ask you to fill out the return form on this will subsequently receive an address to which you can send the goods. As soon as we receive the package, you will get your money back immediately!

Do I get a return slip?  

You will be responsible for returning DULEXIR.   

Do I have to notify Klarna myself?

No, Klarna will be notified by us immediately and your invoice will be immediately cancelled as soon as we receive your return in time.

Is there anything I need to be aware of?  

To facilitate the process, we ask that you include the order number on the return package in addition to your name. This starts with a # for us. BSP: #123456789

Return form

Of course, you can also return Dulexir within your return period (30 days)! 

To facilitate the process, we ask that you include the order number on the return package in addition to your name.
This starts with a # for us. BSP: #123456789

Return form

Of course, you can also return Dulexir within your return period (30 days)! 

Frequently asked questions

How do I get my money back?

The same way you have paid. For purchase on account and if you have not yet transferred, the invoice automatically expires and we contact Klarna for you.

To facilitate the return of your money, we ask you to fill out the return form on this page. You will then receive an address to which you can send the goods. As soon as we receive the package, you will get your money back immediately!  

Do I get a return slip?  

You will be responsible for returning DULEXIR.   

Do I have to notify Klarna myself?

No, Klarna will be notified by us immediately and your invoice will be cancelled without delay as soon as we receive your return in due time.

Is there anything I need to be aware of?  

To facilitate the process, we ask that you include the order number on the return package in addition to your name. This begins with us with a #.BSP: #123456789