
Revealed: Dermatologist reveals this trick against wrinkles during the menopause.

Over 100,000 women are enthusiastic about new method to combat wrinkles during the menopause.

Over 100,000 women are enthusiastic about new method to combat wrinkles during the menopause.

During the menopause, we women suffer from a rapid drop in the hormone oestrogen. Oestrogen is responsible for the typical female characteristics in our skin. Beautiful skin, feminine curves and various other aspects.

The drop in oestrogen levels causes enormous changes, especially in the skin. Oestrogen is responsible for the formation of collagen and hyaluron. If the level drops as rapidly as it does during the menopause, we notice this in increasingly dry skin. This is because collagen and hyaluron are responsible for our skin's elasticity, resilience and moisture. The result is increased wrinkling of the skin.

Hormone therapies are another popular way of counteracting the effects of the menopause. However, the long-term side effects of such hormonally active therapy are usually vastly underestimated.

Why creams make it even worse

Creams are a popular remedy for wrinkles during the menopause. However, studies from the USA now show that they usually even worsen the situation of the skin during the menopause. 

There is a protective layer on our skin that is supposed to protect us from UV rays, air pollution and various other influences. However, this blockage also prevents active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid from penetrating the skin. The skin is tricked into believing that it is being moisturized and the skin's own production of moisture is reduced. Studies have shown that 98.7% of the creams tested promote wrinkles. Interestingly, these studies also revealed a new way of alleviating wrinkles during the menopause.

Smuggling agent for wrinkles during the menopause

According to researchers, the "miracle cure" was a natural complex of active ingredients that was able to bypass the blockage. In combination with hyaluron and vitamin C, the skin could be significantly rejuvenated in a two-stage effect. The new method frees the skin from blockages and infiltrates it deeply with hyaluronic acid and then uses vitamin C to stimulate natural collagen production. The active ingredient complex has become known in research under the name "Dulex acid complex".

It has been proven that the 2 main causes of wrinkle formation during the menopause can be treated. On the one hand, the hyaluronic acid introduced intensively moisturizes the skin and fills the hyaluronic acid depots, and on the other hand, collagen production in the skin is stimulated to restore youthful elasticity.

For a few months now, the active ingredient in combination with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C has been available under the name "Dulexir Duo Nachtkur" in all German pharmacies and directly online from the German manufacturer.

Women report surprising effects

After many women discovered and tested the active ingredient, almost all of the menopausal women we interviewed reported astonishing effects. 

Rita S. told us: "I am now 52 years old and actually used to have good skin. Since I went through the menopause, this has changed completely. My skin has become dry and saggy. Really saggy and the former glow was also gone. I simply no longer felt good and was afraid that my husband would no longer find me attractive. After using the Dulexir Duo Night Treatment with the "Dulex Acid Complex", this has completely changed. My skin looks firm, smooth and really fresh again. I only need to apply cream once a day instead of x times a day. People keep asking me what tips I have to get such beautiful skin. I used to think the same thing about other women: What do they do differently to me?".

Before / After
Before / After

Where is the active ingredient offered?

The active ingredient is offered in 2 matching serums under the name "Dulexir Duo Night Cure" and is only available in pharmacies and directly from the German manufacturer in the online store. 

The best price is available directly from the manufacturer in the online store at: www.dulexir.de

There you will receive the manufacturer's discount and can order risk-free on account, including a 60-day money-back guarantee

Quellen / Sources:

(1) Signorini, Massimo, et al. "Global aesthetics consensus: avoidance and management of complications from hyaluronic acid fillers-evidence-and opinion-based review and consensus recommendations." Plastic and reconstructive surgery 137.6 (2016): 961.

(2) Boen, Monica, et al. "A Prospective Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of a Novel Combination of Hyaluronic Acid Serum and Antioxidant Cream for Rejuvenation of the Aging Neck." The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology 13.11 (2020): 13.

(3) https://www.dulexir.com/pages/testergebnis

(4) https://www.dulexir.com/pages/bewertungen

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