That's what scientific studies say: 

Mouth & eye wrinkles? I made this mistake with hyaluron and my eyes were opened.

How I finally overcame my facial wrinkles and feelings of unattractiveness - completely naturally and within 12 weeks.

Written by Nina Reuter

This is what my skin looks like today

This is what my skin looked like 5 years ago

Hello, my name is Nina Reuter. 

5 years ago I started to notice the first signs of wrinkles.

I was just 45 years old at the time.

Over time, the wrinkles on my face increased significantly.

Every day seemed to add a new wrinkle.

I felt like 55... 

During a visit to a beautician, I received an anti-aging treatment. 

After several sessions, I looked at my face in the mirror. 

I was frustrated. 

The recommended treatments did not help.

A reflection that shook me deeply.

As if time had done its cruel work on me.

But I wasn't going to admit defeat....

So I tried countless anti-wrinkle creams:

Day and night I smeared it on my skin, hoping for improvement.

More expensive cosmetic treatments and beauty products became my constant companion.

However, each new attempt to combat my wrinkles seemed to be in vain....

All without success ...

Months passed ... 

The worst thing was - I felt so helpless

Just when I was about to give up, I made a discovery that changed my life.

I came across a study Collaborative Mass Spectrometry Innovation Center, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, San Diego, USA ¹:

I could hardly believe my eyes!

According to this study, the use of anti-wrinkle creams and other cosmetic products can actually make wrinkles worse!

When I read the results of the study, I was shocked!

The skin of the subjects who regularly used conventional anti-wrinkle creams showed significantly more wrinkling over the course of the study compared to those who did not use such products.

Also, the elasticity of theskin decreased more in the users of the creams than in the comparison group without such products!

For the first time, I understood that anti-wrinkle creams may actually increase my wrinkles.

Because these products may temporarily conceal the wrinkles, that is, the symptoms, but they do not solve the cause.

I was eager to learn more about the study. 

So I contacted the research faculty at the University of California. 

I wrote several emails and even letters....

After a few weeks, I finally received a response via email.

Excitedly, I opened my inbox.

A Prof. Dr. Pieter from the University of California replied to me.

I read the first lines of the email.

Prof. Dr. Pieter had been working on studies of wrinkles for 5 years at the University of California in the research faculty.

Previously, he was the medical director of a renowned dermatology and aesthetic medicine clinic in California for over 10 years. 

I could hardly believe my luck!

Dr. Pieter offered me a personal video call. 

What Prof. Dr. Pieter then told me during the conversation completely turned my previous knowledge about wrinkles upside down!

In his opinion, this product is the ideal solution when it comes to facial wrinkles. 

If our skin is not sufficiently moisturized, it loses its elasticity and becomes brittle.

The skin can then no longer adequately protect against external influences, and a gap develops between the skin layers.

The result: dry and wrinkled skin.

But how does it happen in the first place that our skin is not sufficiently supplied with moisture?

It's like this: The skin loses moisture due to dry ambient air, which often prevails in air-conditioned rooms or in cold winters .

You can think of it like a parched desert, where the dry ambient air removes all moisture .

Moisture brings your skin vital freshness and provides it with the necessary elasticity and suppleness. 

But it goes even further... 

Moisture can help and soothe irritated or reddened skin while relieving irritation .

In addition, well-hydrated skin gives a healthier and more radiant appearance, creating a natural "glow". 

When our skin is not adequately hydrated, our skin cells begin to lose elasticity.

This makes the skin more prone to fine lines and wrinkles. 

The lack of moisture impairs the skin's ability to maintain its protective barrier and lock in moisture.

Wrinkling is similar to the formation of cracks in the soil due to drought.

The problem: wrinkles are like deep crevices in the skin that show up clearly with every movement and affect the skin's appearance.

Additionally, these wrinkles prevent the skin from being adequately hydrated and absorbing nutrients.

Wow - a wake-up call for me. 

I finally understood why all the previous remedies and treatments did not provide a long-term solution to my wrinkles.

But how can you provide your skin with adequate moisture and reduce the appearance of wrinkles?

Dr. Pieter has developed an innovative therapeutic approach based on this problem. It is based on international studies² and the latest findings from skin research , which have been combined for the first time in this method .

Hyaluron is used in combination with the so-called Dulex acid complex. The active ingredients support the skin in its regeneration in a 2-step effect and increase moisture at the same time. This allows wrinkles to be combated more effectively than ever before.

So how do you get rid of your wrinkles permanently with the 2-step effect?

Step 1: Freeing the skin from blockages

The effectiveness of the Dulex Acid Complex unfolds in two successive stages, starting with the liberation of the skin from obstructive barriers. Because the sole application of pure hyaluron is not enough. 

Beforehand, flakes of skin and sebum must be removed from the skin, because these deposits can hinder the absorption of hyaluron by forming an impermeable layer on the skin surface.

The Dulex acid complex (more on this in a moment) removes these barriers. Similar to a key, it opens the gates for the rejuvenating hyaluron, which can now penetrate the skin unhindered. This removal of barriers forms the basis for effective wrinkle reduction.

Stage 2: Deep-acting hyaluron supply

Our skin basically ages due to the slowing down of our skin's own renewal processes and the resulting decreasing ability to retain moisture. 

Hyaluron assumes the role of a moisture magnet at this stage, providing the skin with intense hydration. This influx of moisture revives the skin cells, restoring their suppleness and vitality. In addition, the applied hyaluron acts as a support for the body's own hyaluron production. This contributes to the regeneration of the skin by activating cell renewal.

The 2-step action of the newly developed serum can be thought of as a combination of cleansing and hydration that supports our skin in its quest for vitality and youthfulness.

Limited offer:

Sale Off
DULEXIR® Hyaluron - Serum (50ML)

Highly effective in minimizing annoying wrinkles on the face. 

100% with natural ingredients!

A real insider tip

"I was skeptical whether the Dulexir Hyaluron night cure really works. I have so often trusted in advertising promises. But this serum is just awesome and exactly what I've always been looking for!"

Ivanka Aylan

What makes the Dulex acid complex so special?

The Dulex Acid Complex is an active ingredient composition of various acids that act together as a unit, complementing and strengthening each other. 

The components of the Dulex acid complex are naturally occurring acid compounds that are known for their particularly nourishing and moisturizing properties. 

As an active ingredient cosmetic, the goal of the Dulex Acid Complex is to reconstruct the natural processes of the skin as close to nature as possible, thereby accelerating, strengthening and restoring the functional processes of the skin that have been slowed down by age, nutrition and environmental influences. 

Only the combination of these specifically selected and scientifically proven ingredients makes it possible to recreate the complex processes of the skin and thus achieve visible and long-term results.

I could hardly believe what Prof. Dr. Pieter then told ...

... based on the 2-step effect , a product called "DULEXIR® - HYALURON" was developed as a night cure by the German company "Dulexir".

I was speechless... because there were already thousands of success stories about DULEXIR® - HYALURON:

I decided to try the Dulexir Hyaluron night cure.

As I know today: One of the best decisions of my life!

DULEXIR® - HYALURON was delivered within 2 days and I started using it.

I quickly realized that the effect of DULEXIR® - HYALURON was incredible!

Already after 14 days my skin appearance improved.

In the morning, when I looked in the mirror, I noticed that my skin looked more radiant and fresh.

After 4 weeks I was already able to reduce the use of other skin products.

After 8 weeks of use, I was able to receive compliments on my more youthful appearance for the first time in a long time.

I was overjoyed and felt more confident than ever before.

Finally I could dare to go out on the streets without makeup.

My entire self-confidence came back piece by piece! 

For 16 weeks now I have been using DULEXIR® - HYALURON and...

...I can't get enough of looking at myself in the shop window on my way to work and feeling beautiful .

...when I go out with family and friends, I no longer disappear into the bathroom to freshen up my makeup. 

...a feeling of lightheartedness spreads through my soul, because the constant fear that my wrinkles might get worse is blown away.

I am so thankful that I took charge of my own skin health and reclaimed my life.

My motto in life has always been, "Resilience leads to success." 

Now you know my story.

I can only recommend you to try DULEXIR® - HYALURON.

You have nothing to lose. You can only gain in skin quality - even with a guarantee.

You have a 30-day money back guarantee with DULEXIR® - HYALURON from Dulexir.

I pack you below times the link of DULEXIR® - HYALURON purely.

Don't worry, this is completely unpaid advertising.

I don 't get a single cent for linking.

Even if you buy DULEXIR® - HYALURON , I will not receive any commission.

I am merely a convinced customer and have experienced the amazing effect of DULEXIR® - HYALURON on my own body.

*Update: Due to the increasing popularity, the preparation "DULEXIR® - HYALURON" is sold out more often lately. Currently, there is also a discount campaign running. "DULEXIR® - HYALURON" will therefore probably soon no longer be available.

It then usually takes 6 weeks until the product "DULEXIR® - HYALURON" is back in stock.

I can therefore recommend that you take the 3-pack directly. 

This way you are on the safe side and have no interruption during the intake.

Many readers have already told me that they first secured only 1 package of "DULEXIR® - HYALURON" for testing. 

When they were convinced of the effect and their skin showed positive changes, they wanted to reorder a second pack. 

But exactly at that time the product was sold out .

This led to the loss of progress in skin care, which was of course very annoying.

Therefore, I recommend that you directly secure at least the 3-pack of "DULEXIR® - HYALURON".  

If you are not 100% satisfied with the effect, you will get your full money back .

Dulexir company can offer this confidential guarantee only because more than 97% of customers are very satisfied with the results of "DULEXIR® - HYALURON".

By clicking on the button below you will be taken directly to the Dulexir online store. 

There you can make yourself a picture of "DULEXIR® - HYALURON"... 

...and see if it is still available at all.

Click on the button now and check very easily the availability of DULEXIR® - HYALURON. 

What I like about DULEXIR® - HYALURON:

1. fights wrinkles at the root and improves them in the long term.

2. contains 100% natural ingredients.

3. already has over 3,141 satisfied customers.

4. is made in Germany and meets the highest quality standards.

What I like less:

1. the product requires daily application. 

2. it is sold out every now and then. 


Overall, DULEXIR® - HYALURON has convinced me all along the line. I was able to effectively improve my wrinkles and since then I feel completely comfortable in my skin again.

Quellen / Sources: 

(1) Bouslimani, A., da Silva, R., Kosciolek, T. et al. The impact of skin care products on skin chemistry and microbiome dynamics. BMC Biol 17, 47 (2019). 

(2) Pinsky MA. Efficacy and Safety of an Anti-aging Technology for the Treatment of Facial Wrinkles and Skin Moisturization. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2017 Dec;10(12):27-35. epub 2017 Dec 1. PMID: 29399264; PMCID: PMC5774901.

(3)Brandt F, Bassichis B, Bassichis M, O'Connell C, Lin X. Safety and effectiveness of small and large gel-particle hyaluronic acid in the correction of perioral wrinkles. J Drugs Dermatol. 2011 Sep;10(9):982-7. PMID: 22052266.

(4) Pavicic T, Gauglitz GG, Lersch P, Schwach-Abdellaoui K, Malle B, Korting HC, Farwick M. Efficacy of cream-based novel formulations of hyaluronic acid of different molecular weights in anti-wrinkle treatment. J Drugs Dermatol. 2011 Sep;10(9):990-1000. PMID: 22052267.

(5) Jerajani HR, Mizoguchi H, Li J, Whittenbarger DJ, Marmor MJ. The effects of a daily facial lotion containing vitamins B3 and E and provitamin B5 on the facial skin of Indian women: a randomized, double-blind trial. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2010 Jan-Feb;76(1):20-6. doi: 10.4103/0378-6323.58674. PMID: 20061726.

(6) Camargo FB Jr, Gaspar LR, Maia Campos PM. Skin moisturizing effects of panthenol-based formulations. J Cosmet Sci. 2011 Jul-Aug;62(4):361-70. PMID: 21982351.

(7) Chikako Kaminaka, et. al. Effects of low-dose Aloe sterol supplementation on skin moisture, collagen score and objective or subjective symptoms: 12-week, double-blind, randomized controlled trial. The Jounal of Dermatology. June 2020.

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Limited offer:

Sale Off
DULEXIR® Hyaluron - Serum (50ML)

Highly effective in minimizing annoying wrinkles on the face. 

100% with natural ingredients!

A real insider tip

"I was skeptical whether the Dulexir Hyaluron night cure really works. I have so often trusted in advertising promises. But this serum is just awesome and exactly what I've always been looking for!"

Ivanka Aylan

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