
Recommandation d'une dermatologue : 

Ces 3 produits à l'acide hyaluronique raffermissent efficacement votre peau

Pay attention to these quality criteria before making a purchase decision!

Pay attention to these quality criteria before making a purchase decision!

Soyez vigilant lors du choix du bon produit à base d'acide hyaluronique

If you are looking for hyaluronic acid-based products, you will find a multitude of options on the Internet. Unfortunately, some products have insufficient efficacy, which is not always obvious to consumers. If you choose a product only to discover a better alternative later, the frustration can be great. Our editorial team at Apotheken-Warentest has compiled all the important criteria for evaluating the products on the market in this buying guide and has analyzed the winning product in the test.

For several years now, hyaluronic acid has been the main anti-ageing principle trusted by women all over the world. Recent studies have confirmed once again that hyaluronic acid improves the skin and can even reverse the cutaneous degradation caused by aging. As a result, the rashes on the face, eyes and front can be reduced by 40% in just a few weeks. In addition, hyaluronic acid intensively hydrates the skin, giving it a youthful appearance. De nombreuses utilisatrices s'enthousiasment : "Je me sens dix ans plus jeune !"

However, we must remain vigilant: even with hyaluronic acid, there are major differences! Scientists indicate that everything depends on the composition and the method of application.

We have analyzed the biggest myths about hyaluronic acid for you and have shown you what you should pay attention to when buying. We have carried out independent research for you and have selected the three best hyaluronic acid-based products. With our concise guide, you will have all the knowledge you need to never again waste your money on ineffective products. In this way, you can achieve maximum results.

3 scientifically proven effects of hyaluronic acid

Studies have long proven the efficacy of hyaluronic acid

There are now a number of placebo-controlled studies that show the visible effect of hyaluronic acid. Voici un petit aperçu :

Étude de Munich : Augmentation de l'hydratation de la peau

A clinical study conducted by the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich focused on the influence of hyaluronic acid on the skin. The study observed 76 women and analyzed the elasticity and hydration level of the skin around the eye area. The results showed that, compared to a placebo, the hyaluronic acid-based serum used resulted in a significant increase in skin hydration and overall skin tone.

Autre étude de Munich : Réduction de la profondeur des rides après 3 mois

In another clinical study with 20 participants divided into four groups, a sérum of hyaluronic acid with a deep effect was tested for daily use. The depth of the rides and the fermeté de la peau were measured before and after a period of use of 3 months. The results showed that the depth of the rides decreased by up to 20% and that the skin became up to 30% firmer after just 3 months.

Hôpital universitaire de Bâle : Ralentissement du processus de vieillissement

A collaborative research project between the Thessaloniki School of Medicine and the University Hospital of Bâle showed in 2012 that hyaluronic acid (when applied correctly) is capable of slowing down the aging process. However, according to the researchers, agents vecteurs such as the complex acide Dulex should be used.

Comment savoir quel produit à base d'acide hyaluronique est fait pour moi ?

As we have seen in the previous pages, hyaluronic acid has an excellent reputation in terms of anti-ageing for reasons that are justified and even scientifically proven.

It can therefore be assumed that, among the multitude of hyaluronic acid-based products, none of them are of the best quality. To really benefit from the advantages of hyaluronic acid, you need to keep a few things in mind. You can read them in the following section:

Critère 1 : The serums are generally more pure than the creams and therefore more effective

Critère 2 : Les meilleurs résultats sont obtenus lorsque l'acide hyaluronique est appliqué en combinaison avec des agents vecteurs

Critère 3 : La qualité avant la quantité

What is the best sérum à l'acide hyaluronique ?

We have analyzed dozens of scientific studies for you and, on this basis, tested the most promising products. Here are the three best hyaluronic acid serums and the winner of the test.

Our evaluation is also based on the criteria mentioned below, as well as on the verified opinions of the users tested.

Le résultat du test des sérums à l'acide hyaluronique

DULEXIR® Cure Hyaluronique de nuit

The German brand of pharmacies Dulexir has developed a unique formulation that has no equivalent.

They have created a new active complex - the "Dulex Acid Complex" - which allows the hyaluronic acid to act both on the surface of the skin and in depth, thus combating the deepest skin layers. Thanks to the Dulex Acid Complex, hyaluronic acid can be absorbed beyond the skin's barriers.

Mode d'action : effet en 2 étapes - La première étape libère la peau de ses blocages et la deuxième étape fournit de l'acide hyaluronique en profondeur.

The clients' opinions are unanimously positive. Plusieurs clients rapportent un effet rafraîchissant pour la peau, une bonne tolérance cutanée et une réduction visible des rides. 86.7% of clients awarded 5 étoiles out of 5.

The manufacturer also offers a trial period of 60 hours, during which you can freely try out the sérum. If you are not satisfied, you can cancel your order within 60 hours and receive a full refund. 

  • Quality

  • Prix / Utilité pour le client

  • Efficacité

  • Droit de retour


HYALUXON® is a deep-acting hyaluronic acid serum enriched with plant extracts that stimulate the skin's sanguine circulation for a more radiant skin. It reduces rashes and is suitable for all skin types.

Il peut être utilisé comme base de maquillage et convient pour le visage, le cou et le décolleté. Le produit est fabriqué en Allemagne, ne contient ni silicones, ni alcool, ni microplastiques, et n'est pas testé sur les animaux.

  • Quality

  • Prix / Utilité pour le client

  • Efficacité

  • Droit de retour

Cosmetics Serum - KU2

Ce sérum naturel de KU2 Cosmetics est un produit simple, de haute qualité et polyvalent, contenant une quantité concentrée d'acides hyaluroniques à chaînes longues et courtes. It helps to recharge the skin's hydration reserves, leaving it more supple and re-bonded.

Another advantage: thanks to the synergy of different ingredients, the serum can also help to increase the production of hyaluronic acid by the skin over the long term.

The KU2 company is appreciated by beauty enthusiasts, especially because all of its products are developed in collaboration with cosmetic scientists. In addition, regular laboratory tests guarantee the efficacy and safety of the products. The only drawback: although the product appears to be of high quality as a whole, we have noticed that some users find its texture too thick. It often takes more time to be fully absorbed by the skin than comparable products.

  • Quality

  • Prix / Utilité pour le client

  • Efficacité

  • Droit de retour

Quellen / Sources:

(1) Signorini, Massimo, et al. "Global aesthetics consensus: avoidance and management of complications from hyaluronic acid fillers-evidence-and opinion-based review and consensus recommendations." Plastic and reconstructive surgery 137.6 (2016): 961.

(2) Boen, Monica, et al. "A Prospective Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of a Novel Combination of Hyaluronic Acid Serum and Antioxidant Cream for Rejuvenation of the Aging Neck." The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology 13.11 (2020): 13.

(3) https://www.dulexir.com/pages/testergebnis

(4) https://www.dulexir.com/pages/bewertungen

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