
Stars announce separation in rows!

Topic: Skin & Health I Advertorial I 11.08.2021

Skin type examination for professional treatment

Last year was the year of breakups for the stars! Not from their partners have separated the stars of the world but from their longtime Beauty Docs. We have asked what is behind it:

It seems like the most beautiful women in the world have been jumping off the anti-aging bandwagon for a while now and are taking the "phytoaging" train toward youthful looks. And behind it all is the research of a German pharmaceutical company.

Topic: Skin & Health I Advertorial I 11.08.2021

Last year was the year of breakups for the stars! Not from their partners have separated the stars of the world but from their longtime beauty docs. 

We asked what was behind it:

It seems like the most beautiful women in the world have been jumping off the anti-aging bandwagon for a while now and are taking the "phytoaging" train toward youthful looks. And behind it all is the research of a German pharmaceutical company.

Row after row, the most beautiful women in the world report that they have found the optimal skin care and therefore want to avoid going to the artificial beauty doc appearance. Because finally there should be an anti-aging trend that works. Phytoaging - a plant-based genus of active ingredients based on the Dulex acid complex that boosts the regeneration of skin cells and thus naturally alleviates wrinkles. Unpopular among beauty docs - because the customers stay away - the active ingredient complex is supposed to offer a real natural alternative to hyaluron injections and lifting.

We all know it

Wrinkles and sagging skin automatically increase with age, you no longer feel attractive and the way to the beauty doc or wrong care products is near. Experts have long advised: "Use only products that have proven their effectiveness in studies!". Actually, it's even too good to be true. Stars from all over the world have been using an anti-aging method "MADE IN GERMANY" for a long time, which has grown rapidly on the global market during the Corona crisis, also because going to the Beauty Doc became more difficult. Various Instagram stars already report about the wonderful effect and the silky smooth skin feeling like in the 20s.

Fact check - This is the new anti-aging method.

The beauty hack "MADE IN GERMANY" which completely inspires stars and starlets in the USA! We discovered the revolutionary anti-aging cosmetics during a trip to Hollywood. And we found various stars who are enthusiastic about the groundbreaking anti-aging effect. Stars like Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Aniston or Emma Roberts have long sworn by regenerative plant-based skin care as an anti-aging wonder weapon.

Studies have shown that the combination of phytoaging ingredients contained in the so-called Dulex Acid Complex, reduce both the number and depth of wrinkles within 2 weeks.

Update: Due to high demand, the Dulex Acid Complex is unfortunately always sold out. We recommend to check regularly if this is available.

Fact check: Why is PhytoAging a beauty revolution?


We have taken a closer look at the Dulex acid complex and summarized the most important facts for you here (by the way, available at any pharmacy under PZN- 16819038).

  • Unique: Dulex Acid Complex relies on phytoaging. Effectively combines skin care with nutrient supplementation to achieve regenerative wrinkle relief!

  • Anti-wrinkle effect proven in studies: reduces wrinkles within 2 weeks.

  • Reduction of wrinkles especially in the area of the eyes and mouth

  • Premium hyaluron for improved moisture and regeneration

  • Highly effective ingredients and exclusive formula. Everything can be viewed transparently at the manufacturer.

  • Dulexir® Hyaluron contains the trend active ingredient "Dulex Acid Complex" with the currently most effective anti-aging method.

  • Cosmetics MADE IN GERMANY - loved by the rich and beautiful

  • 100% vegan, without silicones, without parabens. and developed animal-free!

So the novelty and big feature here is Regenerative Phytoaging with Dulex Acid Complex .

Such an anti-aging method is unknown to us so far and therefore a real beauty revolution on the cosmetics and beauty care market.

The company has also already arrived in the German press. Recently, Brigitte, Focus and also N-tv as well as Stern reported on the Dulex Acid Complex (Pharmamazentralnummer- 16819038).
Contribution: Brigitte:LINK
Contribution: Focus: LINK
Contribution: N-tv: LINK
Contribution: Star: LINK

Dulex acid complex also in the pharmacy?

The original product is available in Germany exclusively directly from the manufacturer and in pharmacies under the PZN- 16819038. However, it is cheapest directly from the manufacturer in the online store at:

There you get the manufacturer discount and can order risk-free on account, including a 30-day money-back guarantee in which you can test risk-free.

Dulexir® in the pharmacy

PZN: 16819038

Dulexir® in the pharmacy

PZN: 16819038

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