
Mouth wrinkles? How to turn back the age of your skin and reduce wrinkles.

New method against wrinkles increasingly popular.


Botox becomes interesting for many women in their mid-30s as soon as the first wrinkles appear on the forehead, mouth or eye area. Botox is a toxin, i.e. a nerve poison, which is injected into the muscle layer under the skin to prevent movement. The muscle is thus paralyzed in order to keep the skin above it in a certain position. This results in the deformed faces where, for example, one eyebrow is fixed higher than the other.

The known side effects such as dizziness, nausea, weakness and even visual impairment usually subside after 3 to 14 days, but in some cases only after up to 3 months. However, new studies from the USA now show alarming results: Botox treatmentsreduce bone density in the treated areas . The researchers' reasoning: by not using the muscle groups in the face, the body receives the signal that it does not need it. True to the motto "What the body doesn't need, it builds back." The face ages faster, the skin appears to become too large for the face, sags and droops.

Good news from Germany: new method

But there is good news from Germany. Two researchers from the University of Göttingen have succeeded in developing an alternative. Two different methods are used, which are combined with each other.

The first problem concerns the skin: natural barriers on the skin prevent the penetration of active ingredients. The result is that the skin is only superficially moisturized and the feeling of dryness quickly returns. This means that wrinkles cannot be reduced by hyaluronic acid, for example.
The solution: The researchers developed an active ingredient called "Dulex acid complex", which first dissolves the blockages from sebum and the pH film through a two-stage effect and can then introduce hyaluronic acid. This replenishes the hyaluronic acid deposits in the skin. Vitamin C is then introduced into the skin to strengthen it naturally and protect it from accelerated skin ageing. In this way, the 1st problem is solved.

The 2nd problem is tightening: our skin loses elasticity over time and becomes saggy. This is why Botox is so popular, as it keeps the skin in place. However, there are the problems and risks mentioned above.

The researchers therefore went on to develop a new microroller that delivers the active ingredient together with hyaluronic acid into the skin - the microroller syringe. The Dulex acid complex and hyaluronic acid are injected into the skin using tiny, painless micro-needles. The skin is perforated and stimulated to regenerate together with hyaluronic acid. After 10 minutes, the Dulex acid complex is applied together with vitamin C.

By promoting regeneration in the skin and supplying it with moisture through hyaluronic acid, the skin was demonstrably tightened again. The increased regeneration also restored elasticity. 
The result: the skin is visibly plumped up and the second effect visibly tightens the skin within just a few days. This is why researchers are also talking about the first real alternative to Botox for forehead wrinkles.

Are there any experiences and reviews?

The alternative to Botox has now been available for several months as a "Lifting Set" from the German manufacturer and has already been tested by many women. Many are enthusiastic about the simple application at home!

The new method quickly became very popular, especially among quality-conscious women who want to avoid puffy, deformed and frozen faces. Which has already led to empty warehouses on several occasions.
Countless users tell of great results with the new anti-wrinkle method:

Studies prove the effect - soon to be available on prescription?

The new method with the Dulex acid complex was tested in a study by a Swiss skin research institute in 2023. It scored top marks.

In contrast to Botox injections for wrinkles, the active ingredient complex is 100% natural and available without a prescription - at least for the time being. In the past, there have been increasing calls to regulate the active ingredient as it is deeply effective. It is currently difficult to say how long it will remain freely available. There are already similar cases in which a prescription requirement has been introduced because the perceived effect has changed. Typical German bureaucracy, you might think.

Where is the Botox alternative available?

The Botox alternative is only available in pharmacies and directly from the manufacturer in the online store. It is cheapest directly from the manufacturer in the online store at: www.dulexir.de

There you will receive the manufacturer's discount and can order risk-free on account, including a 60-day money-back guarantee.

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Quellen / Sources:

(1) Signorini, Massimo, et al. "Global aesthetics consensus: avoidance and management of complications from hyaluronic acid fillers-evidence-and opinion-based review and consensus recommendations." Plastic and reconstructive surgery 137.6 (2016): 961.

(2) Boen, Monica, et al. "A Prospective Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of a Novel Combination of Hyaluronic Acid Serum and Antioxidant Cream for Rejuvenation of the Aging Neck." The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology 13.11 (2020): 13.

(3) https://www.dulexir.com/pages/testergebnis

(4) https://www.dulexir.com/pages/bewertungen

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