
Hyaluron trick for mouth & eye wrinkles

Why hyaluronic injections are so effective and conventional creams cannot have a deep-acting effect. Researchers have developed a new active ingredient that naturally plumps up wrinkles.

January 31, 2022

While more and more is being spent on cosmetics in recent years, the trend for plumping up by injections is also growing. The effective wrinkle plumping with the needle has a decisive advantage over conventional creams and serums. Through the needle, wrinkles can be inflated as deeply as with a balloon through the hyaluron. 

Conventional creams and serums cannot keep up with this and have more of a caring and maintaining effect on the skin. Researchers have now discovered an active ingredient that mimics the hyaluronic injection effect and can thus effectively reduce wrinkles.

Why conventional creams do not work

Nature has given us a very good and effective protection against environmental influences and the like. A barrier of dead skin cells and a chemical barrier protected us from all kinds of influences and damage such as the UV rays of the sun.

However, this barrier is also the reason why we cannot revitalize our skin simply by applying hyaluron through creams. Although the skin absorbs some of the active ingredients, it cannot utilize them effectively. This is because the protective barrier blocks them. So that deep ineffective skin care and an effective anti-aging process is prevented.

As a result, wrinkles cannot be plumped up with new hyaluronic deposits by applying conventional creams. Hyaluronic injections bypass this path by injecting hyaluronic acid directly under the top layers of the skin and inflating the wrinkle like a balloon. However, the effect does not last long and the body breaks down this foreign body again, so that after a certain time the skin tends to wrinkle even more and has to be injected again.

Researchers develop new active ingredient complex

Researchers have now developed an active ingredient complex that briefly frees us from the barrier on our skin and allows an optimal supply of active ingredients. This active ingredient complex is now known as "Dulex Acid Complex" and works in a two-step effect.

In the first stage, the serum frees the skin from the protective barrier for a short time and prepares it for better absorption of active ingredients. In the second stage, the skin is then optimally supplied with hyaluron and vitamins, so that the skin independently absorbs hyaluron and even creates new depots in the skin itself. Here, the natural regenerative effect of the skin is used to alleviate wrinkles naturally through the power of its own body.

Dulex acid complex in the pharmacy?

The Dulex Acid Complex is certified by PETA as animal-free and vegan and is available in every pharmacy in Germany - under the Pharmacy Central Number (PZN-) 16819038. The active ingredient complex is available without prescription and can be ordered online at the lowest price directly from the manufacturer(www.dulexir.de). The German manufacturer also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee online. 

Are there efficacy tests?

The active ingredient complex was examined and tested for efficacy by a Swiss skin research institute. As a result of a test subject test, very good results were obtained. Quote: "The Dulex acid complex in Dulexir® Hyaluron contributes significantly to the reduction of wrinkles! Internal tests from our side showed similarly good results. The skin areas in the face appeared visibly tightened, and there was also an improvement in the skin structure and pores after only a short time. (3)

Research and interviews with women who have already tested the active ingredient complex also revealed a consistently positive picture. 

This is how Katrin F. reported: "It is brilliant The effect is phenomenal. I am 58 years old and had started to have my forehead and nasolabial folds injected with hyaloron last year. Now I don't have to. I've been using the serum for a week and am very happy with the results after this short time." (4)



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Press articles on Dulexir and the Dulex acid complex:

The DULEX ACID COMPLEX has also been featured several times in the German press, where it has also been highly praised and given top marks. 

Phytoaging now seems to finally replace conventional and artificial "anti-aging". Especially with Quality- and health-conscious women who value a natural look, active ingredients from the Phytoaging-Area popular.

Contribution: Brigitte: LINK
Contribution: Focus: LINK
Contribution: N-tv: LINK
Contribution: Star: LINK

Quellen / Sources:

(1) Signorini, Massimo, et al. "Global aesthetics consensus: avoidance and management of complications from hyaluronic acid fillers-evidence-and opinion-based review and consensus recommendations." Plastic and reconstructive surgery 137.6 (2016): 961.

(2) Boen, Monica, et al. "A Prospective Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of a Novel Combination of Hyaluronic Acid Serum and Antioxidant Cream for Rejuvenation of the Aging Neck." The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology 13.11 (2020): 13.

(3) https://www.dulexir.com/pages/testergebnis

(4) https://www.dulexir.com/pages/bewertungen

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