
Risk hyaluron injections and what is the secret tip of a beauty doctor

Natural active ingredient complex as an alternative to hyaluron injections 

JUNE 26, 2022

Cosmetic surgery and minimally invasive procedures against the unwelcome signs of time, are becoming increasingly popular. According to a survey, almost every woman over 35 has already thought about at least one procedure. 

The most popular procedure is by far the plumping up of wrinkles with a hyaluron injection. In recent years, the demand for this procedure has exploded. As a result, however, more and more black sheep have spread in the market with the beauty. Partly trained only by a "weekend course", laymen put on then against a payment between 200 and 600€ the needle.

Experts view this development with great skepticism. WDR, for example, has already reported in a program on the sometimes fatal consequences of failed padding. In addition to unsightly deformations of the skin, particularly fatal consequences, such as skin infarctions, are becoming increasingly common. Whole areas of skin die off and leave behind large wounds. 

Despite high risks, the authorities are doing little or nothing against the illegal trend. The reason is simply a lack of competence and appropriate personnel.

Beauty doc reveals his secret tip for wrinkles

One of the best and most recognized experts in the market now revealed his secret tip against wrinkles. He strongly advises against improper hyaluron injections. In addition to the unsightly consequences, he refers above all to the risks of an incorrectly placed needle in the face. 

The alternative he applies almost sounds like a small miracle. However, the active ingredient complex developed and manufactured in Germany is based on natural and mild acids and vitamins. 

When applied to the skin, a natural reaction occurs in the skin cells. They regenerate faster and naturally plump up the skin from the inside. The active ingredient isbetter known as "Dulex Acid Complex".

The Dulex Acid Complex

Results may differ from person to person

Developed and manufactured in Germany, Dulex Acid Complex uses a 2-step action to trigger a natural chain reaction in the skin. 

In the first stage, the skin is freed from barriers such as flakes of skin, and in the second stage, the skin is deeply supplied with hyaluron as well as vitamins. 

Through the combination, the body stimulates the skin to increase skin cell regeneration. Thus, the skin builds up its own new depots with hyaluron and pads wrinkles by itself. Therefore, the "Dulex Acid Complex" has also become known as the "natural alternative to hyaluron injections".

2020, the effect was proven in a scientific study. Here, the grade "very good" was awarded. The serum, which can now be found in every pharmacy (PZN:16819038, name: DULEXIR), still seems to be an insider tip.

Results may differ from person to person

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Application of the regeneration serum

Dulex Acid Complex is to be used as a night treatment and can be incorporated into any skin care routine. According to the study, the tincture should be applied in the evening after cleansing the face. After a 10-minute exposure time, you can use your regular night cream. (2)

Dulex acid complex only in the pharmacy? 

Dulex Acid Complex is available in every German pharmacy under PZN: 16819038. In addition, you can order directly from the manufacturer online at www.dulexir.de order.


With the coupon seen here on the page, you pay directly to the manufacturer online 79,90€ instead of 129,90€. In addition, the manufacturer offers a 30-day risk-free trial period online in its store.



Sale Off
DULEXIR® Hyaluron - Serum (50ML)

Test 30 days risk free

Experience and reviews 

Research and interviews with women who have already tested the active ingredient complex revealed a consistently positive picture.

Katrin F. reported thus: "It is brilliant The effect is phenomenal. I am 58 years old and last year I started to have my forehead and nasolabial folds injected with hyaluron. Now I no longer have to. I have been using the serum for 4 weeks and am very happy with the results after that time." (4)

Quellen / Sources:

(1) Signorini, Massimo, et al. "Global aesthetics consensus: avoidance and management of complications from hyaluronic acid fillers-evidence-and opinion-based review and consensus recommendations." Plastic and reconstructive surgery 137.6 (2016): 961.

(2) Boen, Monica, et al. "A Prospective Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of a Novel Combination of Hyaluronic Acid Serum and Antioxidant Cream for Rejuvenation of the Aging Neck." The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology 13.11 (2020): 13.

(3) https://www.dulexir.com/pages/testergebnis

(4) https://www.dulexir.com/pages/bewertungen

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