Attention with hyaluron injections

This natural alternative experts recommend

January 10, 2022


Probably the most popular remedy against the unwelcome signs of time is hyaluron. Especially in injected form, it is becoming increasingly popular. But with increasing popularity, problems are also occurring more and more frequently. Due to the high distribution, there is an enormous amount of money to be made and this is sleeplessly exploited. 

Thus, often badly or partly not at all trained users inject already after a few exercises at paying customers. Dermatologists strongly advise against participating in such treatments. In addition to the legal problems, health risks are a major concern. Thus skin infarcts can occur with umprofessional applications occur quickly and cause the skin to die.

SWR TV report about the risks 


  • "The negative consequences from plumping with hyaluronic injections have exploded in recent years. Most women completely underestimate what can happen to them with poorly placed injections."

    • Dr. Lilian Becker

"The negative consequences from plumping with hyaluronic injections have exploded in recent years. Most women completely underestimate what can happen to them with poorly placed injections."

  • Dr. Lilian Becker

Phytoaging offers a real alternative

An active ingredient complex developed by German researchers is now expected to offer a real alternative to hyaluronic injections. A "phytoaging" active ingredient based on natural ingredients has been developed that can alleviate wrinkles through phytoactive regeneration. 

Phytoaging describes a process in the body that alleviates wrinkles by regenerating new skin cells naturally and from within. This completely avoids risks and side effects do not occur. This is because the body alleviates wrinkles on its own through the regenerative effect.

The so-called "DULEX ACID COMPLEX" works here in a 2-stage effect. In the first stage, the skin is freed from blocking barriers, in order to stimulate the regeneration of new cells in the second stage through an optimal and deep supply of active ingredients.

Experiences and studies

The active ingredient complex has also already proven its worth in studies on women aged between 40 and 75. For example, the active ingredient complex received the grade "very good" from a Swiss institute for skin research. 

Thus, the DULEX ACID COMPLEX as scientifically proven can significantly contribute to the reduction of wrinkles and smooth the skin in the long term.

The results of the survey of female users were similarly good. For example, women stated:

"The serum works very well. I have been using it for several weeks. The effect is noticeable. The already older skin becomes smoother."

- Heide W.

"I am more than satisfied... would recommend it to anyone... no empty promises the product delivers what it promises my skin has more moisture and firmness.... will stick with it."

- Manuela K.

"I have bought many products of this type, but this is by far the best. Sensational effect, very economical and beautifully plump skin. Very clear purchase recommendation!"

- Anette S.



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DULEXIR® Hyaluron - Serum (50ML)

Test 30 days risk free

Press articles on Dulexir and the Dulex acid complex:

The DULEX ACID COMPLEX has also been featured several times in the German press, where it has also been highly praised and given top marks. 

Phytoaging now seems to finally replace conventional and artificial "anti-aging". Especially with Quality- and health-conscious women who value a natural look, active ingredients from the Phytoaging-Area popular.

Contribution: Brigitte: LINK
Contribution: Focus: LINK
Contribution: N-tv: LINK
Contribution: Star: LINK

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