
Natural active ingredient complex as an alternative to hyaluron injections

One of the most popular anti-aging applications, the hyaluronic injection, sometimes carries high risks. What experts advise and what simple alternatives nature has in store as a trick.

Topic: Skin & Health I Advertorial I 11.08.2021

Skin type examination for professional treatment

In addition to cosmetic surgery, minimally invasive procedures are becoming increasingly popular in the beauty sector. Far ahead in this regard is the placement of hyaluron injections. With the increasing popularity in the last years, also more and more black sheep come on the market. Untrained personnel from the cosmetic sector are increasingly using syringes, although this is prohibited in Germany. Hyaluron injections may only be used by physicians and state-approved alternative practitioners. But even here, professional application is unfortunately not always given.

In 2019 and 2020, various TV stations such as WDR and SWR reported on the risks of hyaluron injections. In some cases, catastrophic conditions were uncovered. Part of the reporting showed "weekend training courses" where a woman briefly explained to the participants of the course how to set the syringe. 

The second part of the course consisted of the participants already injecting patients of the "teacher". This resulted in enormous complications. A doctor to whom these recordings were shown was astonished at the loutish application, as well as appalled, among other things, at the application of a syringe to the frown line, since the risks were especially high here that the patient could go blind. Another topic was a skin infarction, which the doctor diagnosed in one of the participants. In this case, the skin dies if it is not treated quickly. The search for natural and risk-free alternatives was therefore a logical consequence.

Natural active ingredients the new trend as an alternative to hyaluron injections

As a new trend, a natural way to alleviate wrinkles is increasingly emerging. Especially from the 40s, more and more women are looking for a natural and fresh skin appearance, instead of artificial beautification, which is often accompanied by deformation.

Natural active ingredient complexes such as the so-called "Dulex acid complex" from the pharmacy can alleviate wrinkles via regeneration therapy. Here, the skin is stimulated to regenerate new skin cells in a 2-step effect. Because the reason for aging, and thus wrinkles, is not age itself, but a decreasing regenerative capacity. Already from the end of 20 this process becomes slower. But especially from the 40s this is faster and even more noticeable.

Dulex acid complex in the pharmacy?

The Dulex Acid Complex

The active ingredient complex developed and manufactured in Germany for skin cell regeneration, can significantly contribute to wrinkle reduction. The 2-step effect described above was even proven in a scientific study in 2020. Here the mark "very good" was assigned. The serum, which can now be found in every pharmacy (PZN:16819038), still seems to be an insider tip.


Quote: "The Dulex Acid Complex in Dulexir® Hyaluron Night Cure contributes significantly to wrinkle reduction! It is amazing that this has not yet spread in the cosmetics industry." Internal tests from our side showed a similarly good result here. Thus, the skin areas in the face appeared visibly tightened, moreover, an improvement of the skin structure, as well as the pores resulted already after a short time.

The active ingredient complex, produced and developed in Germany, is to be used as a night treatment and can thus be incorporated into any skin care routine. According to the study, the tincture should be applied in the evening after cleansing the face. To achieve an optimal result, a night cream containing hyaluronic acid must be absorbed overnight after 10-15 minutes.

Mode of action of the regenerating serum

The effect of the active ingredient complex is based on the above-mentioned 2-stage action, in which the skin is freed from barriers and then deep-acting nutrients and hyaluronic acid are added. In this way, the regeneration of skin cells can be stimulated, so that the body independently reduces wrinkles. 

Due to the natural approach, no deformations can occur that disfigure the face. In addition, skin infarctions, as they can occur with injections, are not possible. 

Dulex acid complex in the pharmacy?

Dulex Acid Complex is available in every pharmacy in Germany. under the Pharmacy Central Number (PZN):16819038. The active ingredient complex is available without prescription and can also be ordered online directly from the manufacturer (


At the manufacturer itself, offers are available from time to time. Here, the active ingredient complex then costs 69.90€ instead of 129.90€ and the manufacturer also offers a 30-day money back guarantee. One bottle is enough for up to 3 months

Dulexir® in the pharmacy

PZN: 16819038

Experience and reviews 

Research and interviews with women who have already tested the active ingredient complex revealed a consistently positive picture.

This is how Katrin F. reported: "It is brilliant The effect is phenomenal. I am 58 years old and had started to have my forehead and nasolabial folds injected with hyaloron last year. Now I don't have to. I've been using the serum for a week and am very happy with the results after this short time."

Attention: More and more low-cost suppliers are trying to copy the German manufacturer.

Partly with ingredients hazardous to health. The Dulex acid complex is protected and is only produced in Germany. Cheap preparations are mostly from China or other cheap countries.

(platforms such as and (computer virus message when visiting the site), seem to have no interest in the customers here and focus only on their own profit).

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