
The Trick how hyaluronic acid becomes a true anti-wrinkle remedy!

Researchers develop active ingredient that delivers hyaluronic acid under the skin without injections

MARCH 26, 2023

The business with hyaluronic acid is booming. More and more women are turning to hyaluronic acid in the fight against wrinkles. Most products promise a lot but usually deliver little. However, if applied correctly, hyaluronic acid can be a true wrinkle killer. But be careful, improper use can also be dangerous.

That is why hyaluronic acid is so important

Hyaluronic acid is responsible for binding moisture in the subcutaneous tissue. These moisture stores make the skin plump and smooth. As we age, the moisture stores become smaller and collapse, causing the skin to sag and form wrinkles.

Those who try to replenish the skin's moisture stores by applying a classic hyaluronic acid cream will quickly be disappointed.

Why doesn't hyaluronic acid work for me?

Classic hyaluronic acid creams can hardly be effective because the skin has a protective layer that shields it from external influences. However, this protective layer made of sebum also prevents hyaluronic acid from penetrating deep enough into the skin to actually work. Thus, more than superficial moisturization cannot be achieved

Please don't inject hyaluronic acid with a needle

As many users of hyaluronic acid creams are disappointed, injecting hyaluronic acid is becoming increasingly popular. However, the danger is often underestimated. If the needle hits a nerve, skin areas can die. The application above the lips up to the forehead is particularly dangerous. For example, if an optic nerve is hit, the patient may become blind. The good news: there is a risk-free alternative.

Risk-free alternative to a hyaluronic needle

Researchers from Germany have now developed a novel active ingredient that can bypass the problem with the protective layer on the skin. The two-stage effect ensures that in the first stage, the skin is freed from blockages. This allows the skin's protective layer to be bypassed for a short time, allowing the hyaluronic acid to penetrate deeply into the skin in the second stage.

After 10 minutes, you can use your normal hyaluronic acid-containing cream. Afterwards, the skin forms a new protective layer again. The result: your skin appears visibly plumper and smoother. A quick and strong effect like after an injection.

Studies and users show good effectiveness

The active ingredient developed by German researchers called Dulexir was tested in a study by a Swiss skin research institute in 2020. The active ingredient was able to achieve top marks in the study and has since been considered a new anti-aging trend in Europe. Over 100,000 women have already tested the serum and are positively surprised.

One user reported to us: 'I am 58 years old and started getting hyaluronic acid injected into my facial wrinkles last year. I don't have to do that anymore. I have been using the serum for 2 weeks and am thrilled!'

Where is the active ingredient offered?

The active ingredient in the serum called Dulexir is exclusively offered in pharmacies and directly from the manufacturer's online shop. The cheapest option is to buy directly from the manufacturer's online shop at

There, you can receive the manufacturer's discount and order risk-free on account, including a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Quellen / Sources:

(1) Signorini, Massimo, et al. "Global aesthetics consensus: avoidance and management of complications from hyaluronic acid fillers—evidence-and opinion-based review and consensus recommendations." Plastic and reconstructive surgery 137.6 (2016): 961.

(2) Boen, Monica, et al. "A Prospective Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of a Novel Combination of Hyaluronic Acid Serum and Antioxidant Cream for Rejuvenation of the Aging Neck." The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology 13.11 (2020): 13.



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